This is the place to go to keep up to date with all the most current news and info on The Fabulous, Most Groovy BRILLEAUX, New Zealands premiere kick-ass, Rhythm and Blues band

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Awesome Whangarei Festival

Well the Whangarei Jazz and Blues Festival is all over, and what a wicked time we had. Brilleaux shocked the hell out of a number of poor, unsuspecting music lovers, and came away with a whole bunch of new friends and fans.

We sold heaps of CDs, and completely sold out of our first album - Welcome to the Brilleaux

Our first gig was at DICKENS, where we unleashed the theremin - seen there obviously for the very first time. The people that saw us at that gig, followed us to the next 3 gigs!

Second gig was outside at IBANEZ, and this was probably our very best gig of the weekend (although I must say I enjoyed them all) We had the crowd dancing the entire gig, and I have never seen so many photos being snapped as at this gig!
We started this set with "Give Me One More Shot" and a bit later in the gig debuted one of our very new songs "PHD in Stupidity," and it went OFF. Derek of Kokomo was also at this gig, and said he enjoyed the song - He knew it was a new one.

Third gig of the day was at the Red Iguana at 9.45. This gig was building up to be the gig of the weekend, as Kokomo (or should I say Grant and Derek and Sonja from Kokomo) played before us, and had a FULL HOUSE in the palm of their hands. They warmed them up nicely for us. By the time we came on it was dark, and so we had the light show and everything. Derek said this gig was the very best he had ever heard Brilleaux play - the sound was awesome, and the band was just 1 big throbbing organism!!!! We had a ball, and I lost a few pints of sweat I dont mind saying!

Sunday afternoon saw us at the quietest, poshest venue of the festival, and the boys were not looking forward to playing in there, but by the time we got started, we had a good sized, VERY appreciative crowd, who hung on every note we played. Several punters - not content with just purchasing 1 album - purchased all three, and we are most grateful.

Thanks to Li'l Ian Goodsman and his wife, and all the other festival committee members, and thanks to all the venues that participated - lets hope all the rest in town come to the party next year, to make it an even bigger success.

Thanks to all the sound crews who did a great job under pressure, I must say they did a bloody great job.

It is playing festivals like this that brings home to us how much we love this band, because it is at festivals like this that we get to play to people who are only there for ONE REASON - to SEE AND HEAR US PLAY, and you cannot get a better audience than that, so to all you fans and music lovers out there that saw us at the festival - a big thanks from the fabulouse, most groovy Brilleaux - maximum R&B

If any of you took any photos on this weekend, we would love to see them.

PS: Don't forget - If you got the CD, then all you need now is the T-Shirt!

See earlier posting for prices etc.
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Blogger Julian Pistorius said...

Hi Graham,

Great gig this weekend! I'm sorry I couldn't see more than the first one. :-/

You can see some photos and a review on NZwhatson:


3:08 pm


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